Friday, November 1, 2013

Turtley Awesome Halloween

The husband and I decided to dress up this year. It was the first time we dressed up for Halloween in 5 years or more. Our boys are very into the TMNT at the moment and already decided that is what they wanted to be. We obliged and went as them ourselves. I must admit that, I love having boys. I have found this new love for super heroes and action figures I never knew exsisted in me until I had boys.

They gathered their candy, had loads of laughs, and our kids will definetly remember this year that mommy and daddy dressed up with them. I'm not sure how we will top this next year.

Vivianna wanted to be something "scary" this year, so she decided NOT to dress up with us (we asked her to be April). We searched for what seemed to be forever to find just the right costume for her. She played the part up very well.