Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Dad's Heart broken but now forever healed.

I'm sorry I have been away for awhile. I have been very busy the past few weeks. My dad had a heart attack, was sent to a larger hospital with a great cardiac team, had a heart cath, stayed a few more days in the hospital, had open heart surgery and a quadruple bi-pass, spent a few more days in cardiac intensive care. Finally we are back home and trying to get him back on his feet. He is doing so well though. He has given up chewing and is eating healthier. I am so happy we get a second chance with my dad. The past few weeks have honestly been the most stressful and scary weeks of my life. I'm still trying to balance life with helping out with my parents, my household, and work. I am carrying a book around and as I think of to-do things I'm writing them down because honestly as soon as I think of something its out of my mind until its time I needed it to be done!

<me, My dad, & My sisters>

One amazing thing that came out of this experience is I was able to speak the word to my father and he was saved! I am sooo happy. He is going to be going to church with us as soon as he is up to it. Our God is an amazing God!