Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I joined Ipsy!

I decided I needed to do something Myself. Like most moms (and nurses) I take care of other people ALL THE TIME. I have been wanting to try a subscription box of some kind for quite awhile now so when I researched and found that IPSY was only for $10 a month I said "sure, what the heck" for $10 it is totally worth the shot and it has FREE shipping. I decided to cancel HULU today for the simple fact we don't use it anymore, that's $8 a month and with that saving, I would be putting an extra $2.  That was kinda longer explanation than anticipated. WELL, I signed up. You take a style quiz that I assume helps them customize your bag with them, each month you will receive a makeup bag filled with deluxe size samples and full size products. It is random however so when you get your bag it will be a total surprise each month what you receive. I love surprises.
This is a picture of May's bag.

I'm not entirely certain how the points work, but Here's my link if you are interested in signing up, I believe I get points for you using my link?

So since I signed up yesterday, My first ISPY GLAM BAG box will be the October one.. It says will be here around mid-October, I'm excited to see what I get. I may even  do a Vlog on my unboxing.. yes, a vlog! first time.. maybe? perhaps? yep.

Ghostbuster birthday party

For Christmas last year, Vivianna got a "just dance" Wii game, on that game was the ghostbuster song.. The boys learned to do the dance. THey loved it. So when the original ghostbuster movie came on TV I added it to our DVR.. and the rest they say, is history. My boys have since became submissed in ghostbuster everything. For Easter they received "The real Ghostbusters" Cartoon season 1 set. And ever sice they have been talking of a 'Ghostbuster Birthday Party' I wasn't even going to do  "big party" but they had their little hearts set on one.. so Mommy gave them as they wanted. Do you know how difficult it is to find party supplies based on something from 1983? Very. But none the less, this mommy set to work.
My boys in their Volunteer GhostBuster shirts My sister in law got them. I'm not sure where she ordered them from.

'Slimmer Jello'

"Stay Puft S'mores" bags as party favors. So simple.

I was going to use ghost shaped cookie cuters to make cookies, but I was lucky the Halloween cookies were already out and I took the easy route! :-p

Proton Streams (for our game)- Silly String! bought at the dollar store and made this cover (seriously in MSPAINT) and taped them around the can..
Again we had grand scheme to draw ghost on poster board, but then we saw these yardghost at the dollar store and said why not. All the kids enjoyed blasting ghost, it really was the high light of the birthday party!

Ghost Suckers (to go with their smores Party Favor)-- so simple I'm not sure I should explain but I will. sucker, tissue, marker, ribbon. you get the idea.

I decided Local bakery it was for an easy edible image. turned out great!
My boys are born about a month apart.. so I have their parties together. I had them separate for 1 year and then they started to like EVERYTHING the same just about, so hence why we have 1 party. But don't fret, we do have a special cake for them with their birthday dinner on their actual birthday and this is when they also receive their birthday gift from mommy and daddy! these are pictures from this year with their ever so fancy mommy made cakes!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fall Bucket List

Visit a pumpkin patch
Carve Pumpkins
Find our way through a Corn Maze
Decorate for Halloween
Play in the leaves
Fall Family pictures
Carve Pumpkins
buy/make costumes
DIYHalloween Craft
Attend Revival
Make carmel apples
Take a fall Color Drive
Fall Hike
make a homemade pie
bake a pumpkin yummy
Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
Paint Pumpkins
Watch Hocus Pocus
Have a Holloweentown Movie Night
Roast Pumpkin seeds
Go to a tailgating Party/watch a game
Go Trick or treating
Watch Halloween wars with Vivianna
Plant Spring Bulbs
"Boo" a neighbor
Church Carnival
Tell ghost stories around the fire
Go on 2 dates
Eat Comfort food
Make Pumpkin Pancakes
Make a Thankful Tree

Friday, September 19, 2014

Its Never goodbye..

It has been a difficult week. On Sunday I got a phone call while at work that my mother in law had passed away. Just hours earlier I was planning the 2 hour trip to to go visit her in the hospital the next day with my sister in law, so when my Sister in law was on the other end of the line I just assumed it was to tell me what time to meet for our trip to the hospital. Instead it was to give me the news that on her way home on from the hospital that day she got a phone call from the nurse she just left that about a hour after they left she passed away. I found coverage at work and met my husband at My in laws house. It felt like a bad dream. We went down to the hospital to "say goodbye" to her. I clenched her hand and as I tried to tell her goodbye.. I heard her voice tell me, like she had a million times while dropping my kids off to baby sit or when we were leaving "Never say goodbye, goodbye it to final.. its always see you later!" out of the 11 years I knew her this was she always told me.

I stepped out if the room and sat down in a chair in the lobby near her room. A little old man came out of his room.. hospital gown on and pulling his IV pole.. stopped beside me.. and began to hug me. He told me exactly what I needed to be reminded of in that moment.. "it's not these Dr's who heal us.. it's our God who does the healing" She was free from all her pain , the cancer, any imperfection.. She was not healed her on earth but she was eternally healed.. she was with him.. He made her new and perfect.. This stranger began to pray for me.. hugging me and praying with me.. he then asked me "young lady.. do you know our lord? Are you a born again christian?" I am still in awe of the entire conversation.. not only is it exactly what I needed in that moment but also an inspiration. . I want that... I want to push all my fear aside.. be the comforting shoulder for someone, there when they need someone.. and use every opportunity to show his love and lead others to him.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Big News..

I'm going to be an Auntie again!!!

My sister sent me a text asking how I felt about being a aunt again with a picture of her official due date from the Dr's office. I am sooo excited.. she has a little girl already, who I adore. We went on vacation for a week and I couldn't help but snap a few pictures of little kylar with her "big sister" news.. :-)