Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Goals

-practice crocheting and Knitting
- Read 12 books (again I think with my schedule this is a realistic goal)
- Participate in a book club
-Run a 5k Race
- Go Zip Lining
- bye bye 15 lbs
- Concealed Weapons Permit *carry class-DONE 3/8/13*
- Hunters safety course
- become more punctual
- Work on not cussing

- Attend A weekend to remember with my husband
- Complete Love dare
- Take a trip just the 2 of us
- 10 date nights (with our busy schedules I think 10 is a realist goal) 1/10

-Become More involved in our church community
*- Buy New bible for me Done- 2/14/14
-Buy devotional book & use
- Read from bible
- Pray (the power of prayer is amazing)
- Get the kids involved in Youth group - Viv joined 3/12/14

 *Buy trash bin for outside- DONE
-clean out sheds and paint them
-huge bon fire
-build new chicken coop DONE
- Grow 2014 Garden
-Grow herb garden
    (donate, throw away, and keep essentials)
-Organize entire house (that's one of "those" resolutions everyone makes.. but it needs done)
-Make Homemade Jam
-Menu Plan & more freezer meals
- Buy Dave Ramsey Total money make over- DONE
- baby step 1- DONE
- Baby Step 2- All debt done.. only thing left is student loans and car loans
-Make a survival Kit
-Paint hallway
-Re-do boys room and/or play room
-New Stove

- Take a vacation
- Go Fishing
- Go camping
- day at the lake
- Ice Skating
- Potty train Quinton
- Host family dinner
-Host family cookout
-Ramp Digging
-date night with each of the kids alone

Monday, December 23, 2013

How Facebook brought us back to Church.

A few months ago Low on faith and feeling like our family had lost its way. We needed direction and I needed something(I wasn't sure what that something was, yet). How could we expect our children to live the life we knew was right, if we didn't set that example ourselves. Not that something was wrong with the way we were living, but something was missing. something told me that night to seek out t...o facebook and ask that question. I posted a simple question to facebook, "what times do the churches in our area start?" I had a response from someone at almost every church in our area! I called my husband up while he worked and told him my plan. He agreed our family needed this. We both grew up going to church and youth groups but our flame was barely a spark anymore. I listened to klove, we prayed before our meals, and we would go to church (you know those special occasions and holidays), and we would read the Christmas story at Christmas time. We were Christians right? that made us good parents didn't it?

The next morning we woke up, got our crew ready and got into the car. Chris behind the wheel said "ok. where?" I said "whichever one you want to go to" I listed the churches and the times that everyone had given me and he literally just started driving. we ended up pulling into the Church of Gods Parking lot that morning, not that we decided before hand that's where we were to go, more that someone took hold and guided us where to go. I am so happy the lord pointed us in that direction. We were welcomed almost immediately by everyone. We made to feel at home. More importantly the spark that was started, the flame I had been hiding and ignoring has suddenly become this flame. I never understood when they would say "set on fire for the lord" but I'm getting there. The simple act of going to church each week and spending an hour rejoicing in him has changed our family tremendously. We are closer than ever, we have invited him into our home and into our lives. And for the first time in a long while I feel his presence with me daily. We have a far journey to go in our path with the lord. But I am so grateful for that morning. For the invitation that Saturday night.

I always post things about my family and our daily lives to facebook. so facebook you want to know "what's on your mind?". That is on my mind and more importantly the lord is in my heart now and in our home.

Now I want to step out and I don't mean to preach or have anyone think we are perfect (our family is far far from it). If you don't have a church to call home or if you haven't been to one in a long time (like me) and just need a little gas added to your fire, or if you don't know what the heck I'm even talking about and need to see what the big deal is for yourself. Ask the question. "what time does the churches in our area start?" Ours is at 10am. Come sit by us. we have 3 lively children in our pew with us, we are easy to pick out of the crowd. Yes I have officially became one of "those" people. But a feeling like this I want to share. I want you to have this feeling. This relationship! I want it for you! God knocked on my heart and I am happy I answered. I just wanted to remind you he's knocking, take a peep through the peephole and see, he's waiting for you too.