Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Goals

-practice crocheting and Knitting
- Read 12 books (again I think with my schedule this is a realistic goal)
- Participate in a book club
-Run a 5k Race
- Go Zip Lining
- bye bye 15 lbs
- Concealed Weapons Permit *carry class-DONE 3/8/13*
- Hunters safety course
- become more punctual
- Work on not cussing

- Attend A weekend to remember with my husband
- Complete Love dare
- Take a trip just the 2 of us
- 10 date nights (with our busy schedules I think 10 is a realist goal) 1/10

-Become More involved in our church community
*- Buy New bible for me Done- 2/14/14
-Buy devotional book & use
- Read from bible
- Pray (the power of prayer is amazing)
- Get the kids involved in Youth group - Viv joined 3/12/14

 *Buy trash bin for outside- DONE
-clean out sheds and paint them
-huge bon fire
-build new chicken coop DONE
- Grow 2014 Garden
-Grow herb garden
    (donate, throw away, and keep essentials)
-Organize entire house (that's one of "those" resolutions everyone makes.. but it needs done)
-Make Homemade Jam
-Menu Plan & more freezer meals
- Buy Dave Ramsey Total money make over- DONE
- baby step 1- DONE
- Baby Step 2- All debt done.. only thing left is student loans and car loans
-Make a survival Kit
-Paint hallway
-Re-do boys room and/or play room
-New Stove

- Take a vacation
- Go Fishing
- Go camping
- day at the lake
- Ice Skating
- Potty train Quinton
- Host family dinner
-Host family cookout
-Ramp Digging
-date night with each of the kids alone

Monday, December 23, 2013

How Facebook brought us back to Church.

A few months ago Low on faith and feeling like our family had lost its way. We needed direction and I needed something(I wasn't sure what that something was, yet). How could we expect our children to live the life we knew was right, if we didn't set that example ourselves. Not that something was wrong with the way we were living, but something was missing. something told me that night to seek out t...o facebook and ask that question. I posted a simple question to facebook, "what times do the churches in our area start?" I had a response from someone at almost every church in our area! I called my husband up while he worked and told him my plan. He agreed our family needed this. We both grew up going to church and youth groups but our flame was barely a spark anymore. I listened to klove, we prayed before our meals, and we would go to church (you know those special occasions and holidays), and we would read the Christmas story at Christmas time. We were Christians right? that made us good parents didn't it?

The next morning we woke up, got our crew ready and got into the car. Chris behind the wheel said "ok. where?" I said "whichever one you want to go to" I listed the churches and the times that everyone had given me and he literally just started driving. we ended up pulling into the Church of Gods Parking lot that morning, not that we decided before hand that's where we were to go, more that someone took hold and guided us where to go. I am so happy the lord pointed us in that direction. We were welcomed almost immediately by everyone. We made to feel at home. More importantly the spark that was started, the flame I had been hiding and ignoring has suddenly become this flame. I never understood when they would say "set on fire for the lord" but I'm getting there. The simple act of going to church each week and spending an hour rejoicing in him has changed our family tremendously. We are closer than ever, we have invited him into our home and into our lives. And for the first time in a long while I feel his presence with me daily. We have a far journey to go in our path with the lord. But I am so grateful for that morning. For the invitation that Saturday night.

I always post things about my family and our daily lives to facebook. so facebook you want to know "what's on your mind?". That is on my mind and more importantly the lord is in my heart now and in our home.

Now I want to step out and I don't mean to preach or have anyone think we are perfect (our family is far far from it). If you don't have a church to call home or if you haven't been to one in a long time (like me) and just need a little gas added to your fire, or if you don't know what the heck I'm even talking about and need to see what the big deal is for yourself. Ask the question. "what time does the churches in our area start?" Ours is at 10am. Come sit by us. we have 3 lively children in our pew with us, we are easy to pick out of the crowd. Yes I have officially became one of "those" people. But a feeling like this I want to share. I want you to have this feeling. This relationship! I want it for you! God knocked on my heart and I am happy I answered. I just wanted to remind you he's knocking, take a peep through the peephole and see, he's waiting for you too.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Turtley Awesome Halloween

The husband and I decided to dress up this year. It was the first time we dressed up for Halloween in 5 years or more. Our boys are very into the TMNT at the moment and already decided that is what they wanted to be. We obliged and went as them ourselves. I must admit that, I love having boys. I have found this new love for super heroes and action figures I never knew exsisted in me until I had boys.

They gathered their candy, had loads of laughs, and our kids will definetly remember this year that mommy and daddy dressed up with them. I'm not sure how we will top this next year.

Vivianna wanted to be something "scary" this year, so she decided NOT to dress up with us (we asked her to be April). We searched for what seemed to be forever to find just the right costume for her. She played the part up very well.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall has made it arrival!

I adore fall. I love the leaves, foot ball season, pumpkins, Halloween, pumpkin flavored everything. I'm actually pretty obsessed.

I was lucky enough to have a gap of days off from work and it was the perfect time to go out and get some adventuring in. The leaves are at their peak in our area and its just perfection.

of course you have to add jumping in piles of leaves to the most do things for fall! :-)
Autumn in West Virginia is a breath taking thing.
We took the opportunity to go to a corn maze and hay ride. I was so happy when the kids grandparents came along. It was extra special having them with us.

The next evening we even was able to go to a different farm and pick out our pumpkins. We each chose our pumpkin that we will later carve to make our jack-o-lanterns.
(I'm sure they wont let me dress them alike for much longer. I'll enjoy it as much as I can for now)
October is a busy month for us and the is only the beginning.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Color Me Rad 5k

Color Me Rad is my second 5k race and I have to say "I'm hooked". My first was the 'dirty girl mud run' Both were amazing experiences.

There are a bunch of "color" races out there. This is the first one I have seen come to WV. I signed up and even talked my husband into signing up with me. My husbands boss even signed up and ran with us. I loved that it was family friendly (even though we didn't take the kids this time). Next year if they come back I have a feeling we will be completing this as a family.

They start you in heats so there is always someone "behind you" if your worried about coming in last. don't that of course is if you are not in the last heat. in fact don't worry at all because it is all about having fun! its not a timed course. I even forgot to time myself this time. I was so swept up in the excitement that I forgot to look at my watch before hand. set a goal to finish. I always feel a rush of adrenaline of "I did it". The atmosphere is very encouraging and everyone is up tempo and excited to be there and wants you to succeed. its one big party with a race.

You are asked to wear white because before during and after the race you are blasted with powder and wet coloring. at the end of the race you are this very sweaty colorful hot mess and you will love every minute of it.

Remember when signing up for a 5k the sooner you register the better chance you get of reserving your spot but also the cheaper it is. so SIGN UP EARLY.

Color me Rad gave a free pair of "rad" sunglasses and a temp tattoo that says "RAD" and a free tshirt for after the race. I love wearing my tshirt out and getting asked "did you run that? I heard it was a lot of fun"  They also had a photography group here taking pictures through out the race you could look your photos up later so you don't have to worry about taking your camera and getting it colored as well. I took mine and put it in a baggy. My husbands shorts had pockets which worked out well.

My official photo from Color me Rad.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monster Birthday Bash

This year I decided to have my boys birthday party together. We have 3 kids with birthdays in 4 months. June, July, & September. Quinton in late July and Colton in early September so we had their birthday party in the middle of August. It worked out very well.

First we chose a neutral theme that would work for both of them turning 2 and the other turning 5. We chose monster because they are well our little monsters.

My little monsters blowing out their candles.

"adopt a monster" as a Party Favor. I ordered these monsters from oriental trading.

Something to keep the kids busy during the party.

easy and free banner I made. Check this link for the free printable.

I used the same 'end' pieces and pasted them on regular $1 multicolor party hats from the dollar tree.
Game for all the little monsters to play.
Now of course my personal favorite.... the food! lol
The monster cake.. one monster for each boy of course.

Food labels and invitations came from a wonderful designer and friend. check out her etsy site she can do any theme or custom design.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Yay! I was selected!

I have been signed up with (love this company) for awhile now and actually have been selected for a few parties. House Party is a website that lets you apply for different parties that you agree you will host an event based around that product. Its a great way for companies to get the word out about new products/tv shows/games ext. They send you a box of their FREE goodies and you host a party and invite your friends over to try it out.  Recently they have started another website along with houseparty called "Chatter box" which is like house party only with out the party. They send you free products for you to try out and give reviews and tell your friends about. I applied for their first box through chatter box and was happy to find out that I was selected.

McCormick Grill Mates is the chatterbox box I was choose to try. I just got the confirmation that my box of seasonings was on it way today. Be sure to keep your eyes out for reviews of the products! :-)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Homemade Last Name Wreath

You know that feeling when you have about a million things to do and not of those things sound like fun? I do. I have the boys birthday party coming up this weekend that I could be getting things ready for and even though I have planed... and planned... and planned... nothing I wanted to do sounded like a whole heap of fun.

so.... My distraction for the afternoon......
I have been wanting to make something like this but I'm not as crafty as I would like to be.
Its just a basic wreath which I added a burlap bow that I made out of burlap and some twine and attached some wooden letters to spell out our last name. I added a few little "primitive" berries/stars around where I thought it looked good and it was done. took me about 20 minutes and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
I adore all things fall and this reminds me of fall.  I think its the burlap. I love burlap things. It has felt like fall the last few days even though it is August. there is a briskness to the air. (maybe I'm just already craving fall)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Our First Egg!

Have I mentioned we have chickens? well in case I haven't mentioned it I will tell you now. We have Chickens! 5 to be exact. My Mom got the kids their chickens for east this year and we raised them from little peeps.

The boys and I have been going out daily to feed  them. water, and clean their pen and the boys faithfully have been checking for an egg. "no egg today" they would say. It was so sweet. So the expression on their faces this evening when FINALLY they spotted our first egg was priceless. They were both so overjoyed and excited they had to take turns holding it and taking a picture with it. After awhile colton thanked the chickens for "pooping him an egg"

It took me quite awhile for them to put it down actually. I was quite afraid we would have a messy handed little boy when he fell with it in his hand. I am happy to report that did not happen.

Our first egg was a white one. I am looking forward to seeing more in the days/weeks to come. and maybe in a week or so actually eat an egg as I have been told you need to wait a week after they start laying to eat the eggs.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Yellow Squash Casserole

This is our first year we have had a garden. Well our first successful year having a garden I should say. Squash seems to be the most abundant thing to be coming our way so far. We pick about one a day or 2-3 every few days. I have always just fried it. I know yummy but I wanted to try something new since we have so much of it. So here it is.. squash casserole.. yummy too.

  • 1 onion
  • yellow squash
  • 1/2 block Velveeta cheese
  • Ritz crackers
  • 2 eggs
  • butter
Pre-heat oven 350
First sauté butter and chopped onion in pan and mix in chopped squash until soft.
add cut up cheese, 2 beat eggs, and about 15 smashed Ritz crackers and let melt together.
dump into a buttered baking ban.
for the topping melt 1/4 stick butter and mix in desired amount of smashed Ritz crackers (should be a dry mix) and sprinkle on top
Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes

Friday, August 2, 2013

Broccoli Ham Cheese Soup

based off my favorite Ree Drummond Broccoli cheese soup.
This will be perfect on a nice fall or winter day. I decided to make it tonight because well I just love broccoli cheese soup.. Its one of my all time Favorites

  • 1 Onion
  • flour
  • butter
  • 4 heads broccoli
  • salt & Pepper
  • 4 Cups Whole Milk
  • 2 Cups half & half
  • 2 Cups Cheddar Cheese
  • Cubed Ham
First saute your onions in butter.till onions begin to become translucent add in some flour and this will be the base of the soup.

Mix in 4 cups whole milk and 2 cups half & half and add in salt & pepper to taste. Bring to a boil.

Chop up the broccoli. You will only need the florets. next add Broccoli to your mixture and reduce heat. Cover and let simmer for about 20 minutes.

When broccoli is nice and tender add in 2 cups cheddar cheese and cubed ham. I bought the already cubed ham but you can use whatever you like. let all that heat up and its finished.

 it really is that easy and delicious! I will definitely have to keep this as a nice fall stand by.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

WW Veggie Soup (0+ points)

  • 6 cups nonfat beef broth
  • 3 cups green cabbage- diced
  • 1 1/2 cup carrots- sliced
  • 1 cup onion- diced
  • 5 garlic cloves- minced
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 2 cups mushrooms-sliced
  • 2 cups broccoli- chopped
  • 1 bell pepper- diced
  • 3 stalks celery- diced
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
Add All ingredients in a large pot and simmer. Salt and Pepper to taste. You can vary this any way you would like with adding any 0 points veggies for your own take on this soup.

*its got a bit of heat but was totally yummy. All three of my boys ate this with me for lunch today. They devoured it. I also really enjoyed it. It's 0 points which I love. and make enough that I can have a meal with my family and take some for a few lunches at work. Very prep intensive. lots of chopping but for 0 points, its totally worth it!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

$6 Beans and Cornbread.

1 Bag Dry Pinto Beans ($3)
1 salt pork ($2.89)
salt & Pepper

Empty dry beans into crock pot. Add water (keeping in mind the dry beans will soak up most of the water). cut up salt pork and throw in cp as well. Salt and pepper and turn on Crockpot. 4 hours on Low 6-8 on High.

I usually pair it with some Jiffy Corn Muffin mix for some cornbread. these usually run around 50cents a box and I use 2.

By far my easiest meal I make and also a family favorite! In the spring I usually always pair this with some fried potatoes and ramps.

Monday, January 7, 2013

1 hour Challenge

This hour challenge is for those problem areas. you know that hall closet or that cluttered desk. I regret to say I have to many "problem" area's in my house. Instead of tackling them all at once I have decided to take them on one at a time. To make things more interesting I've given myself a time limit. 1 hour. First all I had to do was pick an area. My first area was our "catch all" shelf. All of our mail after opening/ school papers/ work papers/ just need to put up so little hands don't get area. It had a bit of everything and was a huge eye sore in my kitching/dining area. I set the timer and got to work. to my surprise I finished up right around the 1 hour mark. I felt so much better and organized. I set to work on my next room. My laundry room. I did it. organized it all (well except for the pictures but that's a few hour long process- but they are all on one shelf in that room and I know where it all is now)

Its amazing what you can get done in an hour. so set your timer and get to work. what can you accomplish in an hour?

Cheap Mickey Mouse cookie cutter

So I thought I would take a minute to post a super "sweet" deal I found last night from SODIAL on amazon. This adorable Mickey Mouse cookie cutter is only 99 cents with FREE shipping!  My family loves Disney and ever since our trip to Orlando last May we are Disney crazy. I read in the reviews these are on the smaller side but I still think these will make a nice addition to our Christmas cookies and would even be great as a party favor if your having a Mickey/Minnie or Disney themed party.
Remember prices on amazon are subject to change regularly.

Get your cutter HERE

*I am in no way affiliated with SODIAL*

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

DIY $60 Firepit

My family loves camping. We don't get to go as often as we like with our busy schedule though. We decided to improvise.

I had bought My husband one of those little metal fire place pits from target a few black Fridays ago for around $20. He opened it and loved the idea of us all sitting around the fire making smores instead of all sitting around the TV on summer nights. However, it set in our closet for a few years- unused and untouched.

This summer I had enough. I decided I wanted to rev-up our fire pit a bit though. so instead of just building the normal bit itself I used the pan from the fire pit out of the kit I bought from target. I then went to walmart and bought a block like this - I got this from lowes website. it list the price as $1.97 but I seem to remember it being less than that at walmart.
 Fulton 11-1/2-in x 4-in Tan Basic Retaining Wall Block

we laid it out in the walmart parking lot how big we thought it would be. counted how many it took to be in the size circle we needed than counted how high we wanted it. you get the idea. easy math. I believe I had $40 in material (remember I got mine from walmart.. outside in the garden section) Brought it home and stacked and added our metal scoop from our $20 fire pit and ta-da instant DIY firepit. Easy and very worth it $60 fire-pit for our very own back yard. Kits like run around $200 on website to build similar fire-pits. We got a lot of use out of it last summer and hope to this summer as well.